Thursday, December 3, 2009

We all have problems. It doesn't matter who we are or where we are, what our station in life is, our race, gender, nationality, religious choice or any other way we can differentiate ourselves from each other. We feel pain or anger or are tempted to do something that we know is wrong or get angry or whatever; we have problems.

But sometimes our problems get more personal. We feel pain deeper, we are more lonely. Sometimes it seems like our temptations come at us faster, more frequently and with more power and are far more difficult to resist. Lust is closer to overwhelming us, and guilt and shame seem almost too much to bear. Our anger flares hotter and tears flow more freely and it is so easy to isolate ourselves. We feel so powerless and we feel so small and it just seems to keep coming and coming until there seems like there is nothing left to do but drop to our knees and shout "Oh, dear God! PLEASE! help."

1 comment:

Chette said...

Love the post uncle :)
very good reminder.
as Christians we also have to put in our mind that problems can make us strong and its also a test if we will depend on God or on ourselves ^^