Saturday, September 24, 2011

Maybe You're Right

Most days, I wake up from sleep with music in my head. Most of the time they are just fragments of a song, like maybe one verse or maybe just a chorus line. Sometimes they are familiar tunes, you know, like when a tune that you know gets stuck in you head and it drives you nuts till you can actually hear or it eventually fades away. Sometimes, as far as I know, they are unfamiliar tunes, maybe something I heard in the background somewhere but never really "heard" and memorized, or maybe they are something totally new, something of my own invention.

Most of the time they fade quickly away shortly after I wake up, I remember that there was a tune but I could not say what or tell you anything about them.

But sometimes one is persistent and sticks with me a little longer, like maybe there is something more to this, like maybe a message? This morning is one of those times and tunes. It was a simple tune and I am pretty sure it was just a fragment. I think it was  in 4/4 time with just a drum beat for instrumentation. and the only lyrics were "maybe you're right" over and over again occasionally interspersed with "hope".

I don't know. Any thoughts or ideas?

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